Change npc race skyrim
Change npc race skyrim

change npc race skyrim

Contact the mod's author.Install your custom race, then my mod, and say yes to replace any files.The mod author of a custom race may have failed to attach the proper tags so you can be recognized as a vampire.Ifa custom race does not have a vampire version of that race then othersmay not recognize you as a vampire in the game and you may be unable tofeed. Then do your clean save, then re-install Better Vampires andthen re-install RaceCompatibility mod WITH the Better Vampire option.Then you need to make sure MO/NMM/ has placed the mods in the correctload order.' -TMPhoenix If you do not have Dawnguard or still need help, check with for troubleshooting.Issues and bugs will result if your custom race also modifies the PlayerVampireQuest script. Use the RaceCompatibility mod by TMPhoenixThe ' mod should work well with my mod, but you have to followTMPhoenix's directions.My mod needs a clean save in between an oldversion and a new - he outlines a clear procedure how to do a clean savein conjunction with his mod:'If you need to do a clean savefor Better Vampires, you don't need to remove the RaceCompatibility mod,you NEED to make sure you re-install it WITHOUT the Better Vampiresoption. My mod will let your custom race work with regular vampirsim, but NOT with Vampire Lords.Ĭustom races do not work very well with Dawnguard. Youmay have to use my 'Fix Feeding For Custom Race' customization menuoption to be able to feed normally only use it if you have to. (install their mod first, then mine – my mod does not have any appearance tweaks and I do not make ANY changes to vanilla races, so it will not overwrite their changes).Any customized race. Any mod which changes the appearance of Vampires. If another mod containsdifferent spells and abilities they may overwrite or mess with my own,but any change to the above files will screw things up pretty badly.You may be surprised how many appearance or blood/feeding mods changethese files.My mod is currently compatible with. If you are curious if another mod will work with mine, please check itusing the Creation Kit or ask the author of the mod if they changeeither of the following main files.My mod will be incompatible with other mods that change:PERKVampireFeedQUSTPlayerVampireQuestThesecontrol almost everything about your Vampire. Sometimes your character will level up after changing their race, this appears to be a bug with showracemenu and not this mod. Your hands are bound if you change your gender/race, you can fix this usually by just pressing R, otherwise you may have to equip a weapon/spell. Vampirism has an appearance change associated with it.

  • Skyrim How To Change Gender Without Losing StatsĪ video showing how to change your race in Skyrim without losing all of your skills.Be sure to get cured of your vampirism before changing race, otherwise you can't get it cured.

  • Change npc race skyrim